
Moments by moments...

Monday, July 10, 2006


This drastic change in my life, I dont know hope to cope with it. No matter what I do, any decision I make, how careful it maybe, it always turned to a disaster. You, being away from me, him still upset about "US", and the "other things" continues...

Sometimes, I feel like getting to a point where I felt trap and there is no way out. I tried to reasons everything but my feelings always dominates and dictates my decisions. Happiness or responsibility are the two choices I have to make, it like a double edge sword, any of the choices, still, someone it going to get hurt.

I guess, I will live moment to moment and with you by my side. I will learn to be patient balancing my world...you, him still upset about "US" and the "other things"... Knowing you are there behind me gives me hope that everything will fall into the right places...everything goes where it should be...someday...I cannot wait until that day comes...


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